Split AC Unit… What You Should Know.

1) Split AC Unit… Best Reasons To Buy One.
Have you ever heard the saying, “A split ac unit aka ductless mini split is much better than a traditional air conditioner, doesn’t waste nearly as much energy, and is also much less expensive?” No? Well don’t worry, pretty soon it may be as prevalent in the lexicon as right as rain.
Now who doesn’t love central air conditioning? It is one of mankind’s greatest achievements– right up there with the wheel and indoor plumbing. It has drastically changed the way we live our lives– especially in late August. But we once loved horse covered wagons, flip phones, and black and white television too. That is, until we either became frustrated with their inherent problems and limitations or just simply found a better way of doing things. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
While many have seen split system air conditioners in a restaurant or some other venue, and some have even heard of the technology; for the most part, the ductless mini split unit is still shrouded in mystery for most Americans. This article is an attempt to change that. We will go over the major points surrounding the split ac unit with the hopes of enlightening those that might not otherwise consider this option. The hope is that after reading this article you are well informed about mini splits and would take a long look at this option to meet your heating and cooling needs.
Ducted central hvac systems are the defacto solution for air conditioning needs throughout America. The problem is; they can use huge quantities of electricity, they can do damage to the environment with the excess refrigerant helping to destroy the ozone layer, and their condensers are not the quietest things in the world.

Ductless mini splits on the other hand, due to the latest condenser technology and design of the fan blade, produce a tiny fraction of the noise as there more common counterparts. The refrigerant used in the latest models contain no chlorine (the primary offender in ozone depletion).
They are also much more energy efficient, with most models using less than eighteen hundred watts of power per hour to cool or heat a normal home. This doesn’t even take into account all of the wasted energy you would not be using to cool or heat and entire house while you may only be occupying one or two rooms. When you take all of these factors into account, it’s a no brainer. You are sure to be sporting an ear to ear grin when you get your electric bill and most split system air conditiners are so quiet you would hardly even know they were on.
There is a common false perception in this country that ductless HVAC is “new”. This couldn’t be further from the truth. On the contrary, split system HVAC have been very common outside of the United States where not coincidentally, the cost of energy is much higher. We have had the advantage of letting the rest of the world deal with the experimental, testing, and growth stages of mini split systems and we can now swoop in and take advantage of a technology that has become truly robust– the American way. You can rest assured that the popularity of ductless mini splits in the US will continue to rise exponentially as more and more people are introduced to them and their multitude of advantages become evident.
Whether you are looking for heating solutions, cooling solutions, or both; whether you’re servicing a commercial or residential space, going with a ductless split system ac is a more than viable option that should always be considered.

2) What is a Ductless Mini Split Air Conditioner? Best Explanation.
The Ductless HVAC, also known as The Mini Split Air Conditioner Unit is an alternative (for now) heating and cooling systems that more and more people are becoming aware of everyday. The operative word in describing a Ductless Mini Split is “Ductless”. You see, unlike traditional HVAC systems that require you to have large,bulky, and very expensive duct work throughout the home, mini splits require none of that.
Despite this, they still have the ability to circulate air throughout an entire house or enclosed space effectively, efficiently, and at a price point that has gotten to the level where almost any and everyone in the market for heating and air conditioning should consider this option. If for noting other than the simple fact that installing a mini split unit or mini split system is a much less cumbersome and invasive procedure than installing a traditional central air and heat system should give cause to pause for anyone in market for an hvac system.
But please don’t mistake these for window air conditioning units. They are much more than that. And while some may refer to them as a combination or hybrid of window units and central hvac systems, that too is a mischaracterization and does not give these machines their full due. Split Unit Air Conditioners consist of two components, the indoor air-handler unit and the outdoor condenser. They also have refrigerant lines running between these two components. One line to deliver the power, and the other line to take away the condensate. So you see, they have much more in common in terms of design and capacity with central hvac systems than they do with window units.
Split unit HVAC systems has been rampant in Asia and Europe for many years. However, for some reason they never caught on or went all but ignored in the United States as a standard bearer. Why, is anyone’s guess. Maybe it’s because of our age old tradition of bigger is better. More likely, we think it’s simply a matter of people in the U.S. just not being made aware of this option. But things are changing and they are changing fast.
Instead of making the obvious choice, we invite you to weigh your options. Upon closer inspection you may find that going with a split system ac is not all that exotic or radical of an idea. In fact, depending on your circumstances, it could be just what the doctor ordered and solve a number of common issues associated with hvac purchase and installation. makes a mini split unit or mini split system an ideal solution for consumers, contractors, and developers in a wide range of circumstances which we will discuss throughout this article.
3) Split System Air Conditioners… A History.
If air conditioning is one of the cornerstones of the civilized world, and I don’t think anyone would argue that- especially late in August, then a Ductless Air Conditioner is certainly of the cornerstones of that cornerstone.
Let’s see how we got here.
In 1902, the first modern electrical air conditioning unit was invented by Willis Carrier in Buffalo, New York[c. After graduating from Cornell University, Carrier found a job at the Buffalo Forge Company. While there, he began experimenting with air conditioning as a way to solve an application problem for the Sackett-Wilhelms Lithographing and Publishing Company in Brooklyn, New York. The first air conditioner, designed and built in Buffalo by Carrier, began working on 17 July 1902.

Designed to improve manufacturing process control in a printing plant, Carrier’s invention controlled not only temperature but also humidity. Carrier used his knowledge of the heating of objects with steam and reversed the process. Instead of sending air through hot coils, he sent it through cold coils (filled with cold water). The air was cooled, and thereby the amount of moisture in the air could be controlled, which in turn made the humidity in the room controllable. The controlled temperature and humidity helped maintain consistent paper dimensions and ink alignment. Later, Carrier’s technology was applied to increase productivity in the workplace, and The Carrier Air Conditioning Company of America was formed to meet rising demand. Over time, air conditioning came to be used to improve comfort in homes and automobiles as well. Residential sales expanded dramatically in the 1950s wikipedia And the rest is histsory.
Ductless Air Conditioners have a more recent history:
The concept of a ductless DX air conditioning system that is familiar in the world today has gradually evolved since being introduced en mass in the 1970s. Pioneered by Asian – predominantly Japanese – manufacturers, it was developed as a step up to the window unit. The main vision was the same: provide spot cooling to homes and buildings where a more complete, whole-system approach was either unfeasible due to space or financial constraints, but ultimately serving as a much friendlier cooling – and now more common heating – solution. (Smith, Lee of achrnews.com)
Today the Ductless Mini Split has become a standard model all over the world. And while the split ac unit may have started out as an alternative to the window unit when no window was available, massive advances in the technology have allowed for an evolution into so much more.
Having multiple mini split units to create a multi zone effect is often a preferred choice over traditional central hvac. The zoning effect is much more practical when it comes to controlling the temperature in different areas of the home. You don’t have to waste resources and in turn money heating or cooling an entire house when you may only want address specific areas. With these and other advantages, we predict that ductless mini splits will soon become as prevalent in the United States as they are all over the world.
4) Ductless Mini Split System… How it Works.
The Best Ductless Air Conditioners operate off of inverter technology. Inverter technology can be analogized to putting your automobile in cruise control. This system distinguishes itself from traditional air conditioning and heat pump systems which turn on and off in cycles. The compressor will only operate as much as it needs to handle the heating and cooling requirements you desire. Most 9000 btu split units can run from a range of 3100 btus to 12000 btus. This kind of capability means that they would be capable of heating your home to seventy degrees even if it’s negative fifteen degrees outdoors.
Over seventy five percent of split system HVACs are wall mounted air conditioning units. Various inside air handling units usually connect to a single outdoor unit to take in or disburse air. The indoor components of the mini split consist of an evaporator, a blower, a filter, and a cooling coil. The cold freon makes it way through the cooling coil and from there moves on to the expansion coil. The blower takes the warm and humidity filled air and pushes it over the expansion coil.

The cooling coil’s temperature goes down as the warm air passes. This also has the effect of extracting out all of the excess moisture as well. The ending result is that the inside space receives the dry and cool air which can then be regulated to the users liking. The indoor units are also able to be individually controlled. During the warmer season a heat pump will use the refrigeration cycle to to push the warm air outside similar to a traditional air conditioner. In the cooler seasons the exact opposite effect is taking place. The refrigeration cycle is operating in reverse and transporting the heat from outside and into the living space. A small copper line between the indoor and outdoor units, deliver the hot or cold refrigerant to the indoor units and the into the living area.
The outdoor component of the mini split ductless unit is comprised of a compressor, , a fan, capillary tubing, and expansion and condenser coil. The purpose of the fan is blow over the condenser and in turn cool the freon gas. The compressor is the only component of the entire mini split system that has a noise factor. However, since this compressor is kept outside, it offers no nuisance to homeowner– and even still is not as noisy as your traditional central air compressor.
The best part about installing ductless air conditioners is that for the most part it requires only the drilling of a small hole in the wall. This makes split hvac units much less susceptible to leaks. This also significantly reduces the potential for security issues.
5) Ductless Mini Split… Ease of Installation.
What’s the number one advantage when it comes to installing a ductless air conditioner? If you guessed no duct work, then you win the grand prize. By eliminating duct work you also eliminate the framing around the duct work. You eliminate the holes in drywall that come from putting in the duct work. You eliminate the demoing of that drywall, patching of that drywall, the mudding of that drywall, the sanding of that drywall, and the painting of that drywall. I think you get the picture. You eliminate quite a bit of work. A three inch hole in the wall is about as much damage as you need to do.
A split ac is not a window unit and it is advisable to have it installed by a professional. Depending on the manufacturer, you may also invalidate your warranty by opting not to have the unit professionally installed. While each brand may have it’s own particular specs and peculiarities, they are all generally the same when it comes to installation. However, if you are the very handy or determined type it can be a do it yourself project. This is particularly true if you purchase a mini split that comes pre- charged with refrigerant.
If you decide to take on this endeavor, make sure you have the proper tools available and pay very close attention to the instructions provided. You shouldn’t need the professional grade level tools if you’re talking about doing a one time installation. Most ductless mini split units are built to high standards these days and have to meet testing and certification standards before entering the United States and Canada. However, that doesn’t mean that they are just plug and play. But keep in mind, professional HVAC companies can sometimes view mini split air systems with a slight bit of hostility. In some ways, they can see these units as a threat. The fees they get for installing a traditional central air system into a large home is pretty substantial. Don’t be surprised if some quote you a fairly equivalent price for setting up a split hvac system. The work is not equivalent, but they have to make up those fees somewhere, right?
Regardless, even if you want to go the safe route and hire a professional hvac company for the install. Make sure you do not buy the mini split unit itself from them. These companies usually have an outdated supply chain so they are paying substantially more than the online prices that are available to you. And that is without even counting their mark up on top of it which is guaranteed to come. Make sure you buy your ductless unit online and pay them only for the labor cost of the installation.

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